Seasonal Advice
Sun Safety
Rehydration & Drinking Water
Children are encouraged to increase their water intake in hot weather and are encouraged to drink water during break times and lunch times. Every child should bring a water bottle to school every day. This can be refilled throughout the day. Children are allowed to keep their water bottle in the classroom and are allowed to drink from it throughout the day. Children are reminded to drink water throughout the day and during the year children will be reminded through our assemblies about ‘How to be Sun Safe’. Water is provided in the dinner hall at lunchtimes.
Children will be encouraged to use the shaded areas of the school during playtimes.
Children are allowed to keep their water bottle in the classroom and are allowed to drink from it throughout the day.
Children will be encouraged to use the shaded areas of the school during playtimes when appropriate. Water bottles are available at lunch/break times.
Sun hats are available to order on the school uniform site.
All children will be encouraged to cover up in the sun with hats.
Parents are encouraged and reminded to ensure that high factor/8 hour sunscreen is applied to children before school on very hot days. Children can bring in their own labelled bottle of sunscreen but must be able to apply this independently.
Outdoor Sports and Learning in Winter
During the school day, the children are outdoors at various points and in winter, this can be an enjoyable time if you are dressed appropriately.
For this reason, we are asking that your child has suitable clothing on every day.
Here are a few things to think about when going outside in cold weather:
Has my child got an appropriate coat for wet/snowy weather?
Does my child require gloves and a hat on exceptionally cold days?
Does my child have appropriate clothing for outdoor sports? (Extra sports layers may be required for sports during colder months).
Please support your child’s learning and enjoyment by ensuring they are dressed appropriately.
Can we politely ask that all additional items are clearly named.