Travel Plan
At Highfield South Farnham School, we are committed to fostering a healthier, more sustainable future for our pupils, staff, and local community. Our School Travel Plan aims to reduce our carbon footprint, encourage safe and active travel, and promote a culture of well-being through walking and public transport.
We strive to create a school environment that prioritises safety, physical activity, and environmental responsibility. By encouraging our school community to make more sustainable travel choices, we aim to reduce congestion around the school, improve air quality, and support the health and well-being of everyone who travels to and from Highfield South Farnham School.
Through collaboration with our pupils, families, staff, and local community, we will continue to create a safe, enjoyable, and accessible journey for all members of our school community, ensuring that travel to school is an enriching experience that aligns with our ethos and values.
We encourage our neighbours and parents to report unsafe driving to our travel co-ordinators:
Travel co-ordinators: Mr Gregory West & Mrs Helen Jordan, please email : info.highfield@sfet.org.uk