School Uniform
The Highfield South Farnham uniform colours are royal blue and gold.
Please use this link to access the uniform shop.
Highfield South Farnham Shop (parentpay.com)
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo.
- Year R - Year 2 - white polo shirt (school logo is not essential but is desirable).
- Year 3 - 6 - Blue shirt and school tie.
- Charcoal grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress.
- Grey socks or grey tights.
- Black school shoes - trainers, boots and open-toed sandals are not permitted.
- A shower proof fleece jacket with school logo is also available.
Summer Uniform
- Blue and white summer dress.
- White socks.
- Charcoal grey shorts.
- Royal Blue Sun hat (School logo version is not essential but is desirable).
Summer uniform can be worn from the beginning of Summer Term - October Half Term.
- Reception children must have a reception book bag.
- Years 1 - 6 - A premium book bag is available.
All children should have a full PE Kit in school at all times to participate in PE.
- Blue shorts
- White PE T-shirt with school logo. (school logo is not essential but is desirable)
- Dark blue tracksuit with school logo is available for winter months but is not essential.
- Black plimsolls or trainers.
- Royal blue gym bag with school logo.
Please ensure that all items are clearly named.
Please contact the school office for second hand uniform.
Children are expected to come to school looking clean and smart each day. Hair should not be cut any shorter than Grade 2. Shaven hair, hair dye and colour in hair are not permitted. Hairstyles which are extreme (where the sides are much shorter than the top or back, lines and patterns are shaved into the hair) are not permitted. Any hair which is shoulder length or longer must be tied back at all times. Any hair accessories must be blue or black and flat to the head.
Jewellery should not be worn in school as it may be lost or damaged. This includes bracelets and necklaces. In the case of earrings, please only wear studs as other earrings (such as loops, hoops and dangling earrings) are a health and safety risk.
Children may not take part in P.E. or Sports clubs if they are wearing earrings, please familiarise your child with removing their earrings for PE or taking them out on PE days to ensure they can take part. The removal of earrings is essential to minimise the risk of accidents and injuries.
Traditional watches are permissible. Smart watches which offer the ability to receive texts, emails and calls, or to take videos and photos such as Apple watches and VTech watches are strictly forbidden. This is part of our safeguarding procedures.