School Meals
School meals cost £2.80 a day.
The meals are freshly cooked on the premises. There is a wide variety of dishes representing very good value for money. You are very welcome to have lunch with your child. Please make an arrangement through the school office.
School meals are free for children in Year R, Y1 and Year 2 but still need to be booked by parents. These can be booked for the whole term in one go (which a lot of parents find easiest to do) or weekly. See menu on left "how to book school meals" for instructions.
If you choose to book them weekly, this MUST be done by midnight of the Wednesday of the previous week. So for example, meal bookings for w/c 19th September MUST be made by midnight Wednesday 14th September latest, so if you choose to book weekly perhaps set a reminder!
If you book a school meal and your child is absent due to illness, your meals will be credited automatically (if your child pays for school meals). If your child has an anticipated absence, it is your responsibility to cancel your school meal booking - which can be done the same process as booking it.
If you are receiving benefits and think your child qualifies for free meals please get in touch with the School Office and we can check this for you.
The school has been advised by Surrey County Council to warn parents that if they persistently send a child to school with no food or money then they may be reported to the local welfare officer for child neglect.
Surrey Commercial Services have their own website dedicated to school meals and healthy eating: http://www.myschoollunch.co.uk/surrey.